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Expert opinion

Mako robot-assisted total hip replacement

Modern hip replacement surgery was pioneered by Sir John Charnley in the UK in the early 1960s. The procedure and implant used were developed and refined over the next 30…

Sarah reaches Everest Base Camp after hip surgery

Total hip replacement surgery is one of the most successful, cost-effective and safest operations in the world today. However, despite its overall success rate, hip replacement surgery is a major…

One of the most successful operations of the 20th century

With around 80,000 carried out each year, hip replacements are one of the most common elective surgical procedures in Britain. We speak to 41-year-old Rhys Gwilliam who managed 16 years…

Specialist Hip Unit

Matthew Burwell, the surgeon in charge of Circle Bath’s Hip Unit, has just finished his fifth hip replacement of the week. He explains that he and his fellow hip surgeons…

A patient’s perspective

Hip problems can arise at any time in life. Choosing to have surgery can be a life changing experience, however understanding the procedure and rehabilitation helps for a speedier recovery.

Matthew is one of only a few orthopaedic surgeons in the UK who exclusively treat hip conditions.

Patients are referred to him by consultants from around the country.

Replacements are a major part of his practice.


How do I know the source of pain is in my hip?

Hip pain is usually experienced in the groin, over the outer aspect of the hip or in the buttock region but can extend down the front of the thigh to the knee. It is rare for pain arising from the hip to be felt below the knee.

What results should I expect from surgery?

This depends on the problem the patient has, their overall medical situation and the precise diagnosis that is reached. The role of the surgeon is to explain clearly to the what is the expected outcome in their specific condition.

How long will I be in hospital?

The most common day to be discharged in the third post-operative day i.e. if your op is on a Monday then you will most likely leave hospital on the Thursday. However, many patients are safe for discharge on the second post-operative day.

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Expert opinion

A hub for medical professionals and patients. Expert opinion provides information that may be difficult to find elsewhere and includes recent innovations and techniques.

Meet the team

Matthew is one of only a few orthopaedic surgeons in the UK specialising exclusively in treating hip conditions. Replacements are a large part of his practice. Many patients are referred to him from other orthopaedic specialists.

Matthew Burwell
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dave Hepburn
Specialist Senior Physiotherapist

Dr Graham Robinson
Consultant Radiologist

Hannah Nestor
Specialist Theatre Nurse

Laura Davies
Medical Secretary